Without financial backing we simply couldn’t continue our musical journey. We take our caps off to all our backers and benefactors and avuncular friends near and far.
Without the following sources we would be utterly and completely stranded: Sponsors, foundations, benefactors and public funds make our jolly sea adventures possible.
Without them we would be utterly and completely stranded:
Those institutions make our jolly sea adventures possible.
During the concerts a pack of our jolly jocks combs the audience with their collection nets. You can give them some coins, paper money or you can pay your donation via Twint, you find the QR-Code on our flyer.
During the concerts a pack of our jolly jocks combs the audience with their collection nets.
You can give them some coins, paper money or you can pay your donation via Twint, you find the QR-Code on our flyer. Show your solidarity, please fill those bounty nets to guarantee our survival – and the next casket of rum!
And don’t forget, you can always blow some wind into our sails using our form. Thank you very much!
Our benefactors are the real friends of the courageous seafarers. They always donate a considerable sum of doubloons to our pirate treasure.